
发布时间:2023-01-24 02:44:18 阅读:294 点赞:21


关于”写物“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:descbe objects。以下是关于写物专八英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:descbe objects

my favote food is cue cardit. it's a kind of snack in hainan. it's delicious.

the main reason why i like to eat this kind of food is that it's not junk food. you can also fill yo empty mouth. you don't have to worry about not eating.

faty wants to eat with all my fends, becse it's a happy thing to share delicious food with others.


我最喜欢食物是cue cardit是海南一种小吃,很好吃,我喜欢吃这种食物主要原因是它不是垃圾食品,你也可以把你空嘴塞满,不用担心吃不到法蒂想和我所有朋友一起吃,因为和别人分享美味食物是一件快乐事情。


what has hands but no feet, a face but no eyes, can tell you something, a clock that wakes you up and doesn't talk. people like to hear what letters get wet in the towel, what has a tongue, can't talk, but can wrap aund a lot of shoes, what has o arms but can't lift a chair.




my dog my dog retned my love a few years ago becse of my cruelty. my bther came back with a all, thin and dirty dog. it looked ugly.

i didn't like it. my bther gave it a name "jackie". although it soon became a pet in the family, i didn't care about him.

i nr played with him or fed him. i yelled at him, mom scold me, i do homework when he often squat beside me, but whenr i can not solve any pblems, i will kick him away. this lasted for about o years.

i often came home late. jackie became stnger and stnger. he became my indispensable good companion.

on my way home, he was always waiting for me somewhere. when i was called "jackie", he ran to me quickly. he walked by me like a loyal guard.

i was moved by his geneus love and felt ashamed of my cruel behavior: the value of reading. people often say that gold and silver are the most valuable things in the world, but i don't think so. reading is valuable than anything else.

the old saying "open book always s" clearly tells us how good reading is. books are me o fends, they intduce all kinds of knowledge to us and guide us to success. books are o teachers.

they teach us truth, science, literate and philosophy of life. in addition, books increase o knowledge, expand o expeence, strenen o character, and do many things we can't do without them. books tell us what is good and what is bad.

only books can tell the good fm the bad. therefore, reading is the best policy for o young students today. i went to hanzheng street with my mother.

some people were eating, some were buying clothes, and some were chatting with my mother after lunch. then they bought clothes together. there were betiful clothes and tusers.

finally, my mother gave them to me i was very happy to buy a coat and a shoe, a sweater and pants for her, becse today is my good fend's birthday, she invited me to play in zhongshan park, we played the ller coaster on the big octopus at noon, and in the afternoon we had o bread and snacks. we went skating in fo betiful ponds and had ice cream together. we were very happy.




标签: 新学期  害怕 

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