
发布时间:2022-06-11 02:10:04 阅读:790 点赞:87


关于”影响你一生背诵“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:recitation that affects yo life。以下是关于影响你一生背诵初中英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:recitation that affects yo life

undouedly, my mother, who is kind-hearted, teaches me how to be a good person with her words and deeds. she points out my shortcomings, so that i can correct and impve when i suffer setbacks. when i encounter pblems, she always comforts me and makes me cheer up.

when i encounter happy things, she always answers me patiently; she will share with me, fm the heart happy for me, she is a person who really thinks for me and wants me to be happy. i love her ry day.




education plays an important le in modern society. technolo is dloping rapidly. we should have enough knowledge to express it.

we should pay attention to education and study hard. the most advanced countes in the world attach great importance to education. each dloped country has its own educational methods and adopts laws to make people have a positive attitude.

today, china has begun to realize the importance of education and take meases to impve the ll of education. o country implements nine-year compulsory education, that is, all people have to go to nine-year school. the ppose is to increase people's awareness of the importance of knowledge.




my dear clasate, congratulations on passing cet-4. you set an example for me, becse in the past o years, i have to learn fm you. you have been working hard to learn english, and you have lost about kg.

you recited ry word of cet-4. you recited some examples. becse of the exam, you sleep less.

i really appreciate yo diligence. i hope you can continue yo english study and enter cet-6 next year. good luck in yo life.

do yo best, lele.






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