
发布时间:2020-12-17 06:39:22 阅读:23330 点赞:48


关于”写给谷歌求职信“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:a cover letter to google。以下是关于写给谷歌求职信专业英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:a cover letter to google

dear sir or madam, i learned fm an advertisement that yo company needs a secretary. i would like to ask you to consider my position. my name is li min, 23 years old.

i am studying business mament in xiamen university. i will graduate this summer. i am familiar with comr operation and office sofare, which can me finish my office work well.

i have studied english for ten years. in the past o years, i have been the editor of the english newspaper in my department. my grades are among the best in my department.

i like office work very much and i think i am qualified for this job. if i have the opportunity to get this job, i will thank you very much for yo consideration. i look forward to yo letter fm mr.

or ms. li min. in an advertisement, i know yo company i need a secretary.

i want to apply for this job. i am a student majong in business istration of xiamen university. my name is li min.

i am 23 years old. i will graduate this summer. i can operate comr skillfully.

i think it is very important for office work. i have learned english for ten years. my english is very good, so in the past o years, i have been the editor of english newspaper in my department ji, my grades are the best in the department.

i like office work very much. i am qualified for this job. i would be very grateful if you could give me this opportunity.

thank you for yo consideration. i hope to get yo reply soon, yo loyal li min.





dear sir, yo company advertised in qinnan daily for the position of secretary. i am 20 years old and will graduate fm vocational school. my major is business istration.

i have studied english for than eight years. in the past three years, i am familiar with comr operation. i am one of the editors of o student newspaper.




ms. cao baolu, shanghai: i was intduced to you by mr. zhang, partner of yo company's shanghai office.

he told me that yo shanghai office is actively recruiting high-quality talents for yo company's ditor pject. i have than o years of accounting expeence, including internship as an ditor in beijing office last year. i will get my mba degree fm tsinghua university in may this year.

i beli that my practical work expeence and solid education expeence enable me to make an immediate contbution to yo company. i understand the pfessional ll and communication skills required to achi long-term success in this field. the backgund and pfessional business methods will pvide an efficient ditor for yo office.

after yo dlopment plan is completed, i will be in shanghai for a week in apl. please call me and arrange a convenient time for us to meet to fther discuss my backgund and yo needs i look forward to meeting you so sincerely,.




标签: 新学期 

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